Thursday, October 30, 2008

Chapter 8 Modern Transportation and Communication Systems

There is one major interstate freeway go through Raleigh, it is the I-40, that freeway goes on the southern part of the city. That freeway connecting Raleigh to Durham, and Chapel Hill toward the west, and the beach where Wilmington is located in the south east North Carolina. There two beltline freeways go around Raleigh it is the I-440 the inner loop and I-540 the outer loop. There several U.S Highways and Local state Highways. There is 5 U.S highways, 3 state highways go in to the city. The U.S highways are U.S 1 it enters the city from the north and along the Capital Boulevard; it joins I-440 around the west side of Raleigh, and leaves the city to the southwest. U.S 70 runs from northwest to southwest through Raleigh, and north of downtown. U.S 264 runs through east Raleigh and U.S 401 runs north of downtown Raleigh. And the 3 state highways are N.C 54 runs to Chapel Hill and ends in the inner loop I-440, N.C50 runs north to south through Raleigh and later it joins with U.S70 and U.S401 to run though south Raleigh and N.C 98 it located in the northern part of the city and know to be as the Durham route.

There an intercity rail in Raleigh that is part of Amtrak that goes around North Carolina and all over the east coast.

According to Wikipedia Raleigh’s public transportation is operated by
“Capital Area Transit (CAT), which operates 37 bus on fixed routes and a historic trolley line within the city, and the Triangle Transit Authority (TTA), which offers scheduled, and fixed-route regional and commuter bus service between Raleigh and the metropolitan region's other principal cities ofDurham, Cary and Chapel Hill , as well as to and from the Raleigh-Durham International Airport, Research Triangle Park and several of the region's larger suburban communities. TTA also coordinates an extensive vanpool and rideshare program that serves the region's larger employers and commute destinations.”

Is only one international airport in Raleigh it’s the Raleigh-Durham International Airport (RDU) and there 10 privately own airports in the city. They are :

1. Triple W Airport
2. Peacock Stolport Airport
3. Raleigh East Airport
4. North Raleigh Airport
5. Fuquay/Angier Field Airport
6. Field of Dreams Airport
7. Deck Airpark Airport
8. Cox Airport
9. Bagwell Airport
10. Ball Airport

Chapter 7 Industrial and Commercial Organization

The main industries in Raleigh are located in the Research Triangle Park that is located in between Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill, it was created in 1959 by local city governments and the state government, some business interests and several nearby Universities, and is one of the most prominent high-tech research and development centers in the United States been compared to the Silicon Valley in the west coast with all the high tech industries.

“The park is 7,000 acres situated in a pine forest with approximately 630 acres for development. As of 2007, there are over 130 research and development (R&D) facilities existing in RTP with more than 39,000 employees working for a total of 157 organizations. The park is adjacent to I-40 and the Durham Freeway. It is managed by the Research Triangle Foundation , a private non-profit organization. The park is home to one of the largest IBM operations in the world; the company has around 11,000 employees in RTP. The park hosts one of GlaxoSmithKline's (is a United Kingdom-based pharmaceutical, biological, and healthcare company) largest R&D centers with approximately 5,000 employees.” (According to Wikipedia)

The list of all the companies in the research Tingle are list in the web site:

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Agriculture, Gathering, and Extractive Industries

North Carolina is one of the agriculture leaders in tobacco, and The main agriculture outputs of North Carolina are poultry, eggs, tobacco, hogs, milk, nursery stocks, cattle, sweet potatoes, soy beans, and cotton. According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, the state's 2006 total gross state product was $375 billion on agriculture, even with a huge decline of farms in North Carolina it is still the leader in tobacco growing and textile manufacturing in the United States. Over the past few years couple of North Carolina main agriculture products has being hit hard. For example textile, tobacco and furniture, because many of those industries has been moving out of the country one in every five jobs in the state has moved offshore, to china or South America. The textile was moving to south America, and furniture moving to mainly china. But in recent years a lot of farmers have been moving in growing grapes for wines and more organic products.

Political Geography

North Carolina has 13 districts and Raleigh is in the 4th District, the congressman who is representing that distract in United States House of Represntaives, is David Eugene Price a democrat, and is “currently serves on the House Appropriations Committee and is Chair of the Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee. David is also a member of the Appropriations Subcommittees on Commerce, Justice & Science and on Transportation, Housing and Urban Development.” (

Current Senators out the state of North Carolina are Senator Richard Burr (Republican) who been in office since 2005 and Senator Elizabeth Dole (Republican) who been in office since 2003. (

In the past 2 election the 2000 and 2004, President George .W Bush got the North Carolina votes to win the election but this election it is still neither republican or democratic state that has 15 electoral votes to help a either person to win the election,

Senator John McCain (Arizona republican) or
Senator Barack Obama (Illinois democrat ). (